Bethel University

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Degree Programs Offered by Bethel University

Bethel University appears in our ranking of the 30 Best Online Bachelor’s in Emergency Management Degrees. Bethel University in Minnesota divides its degree programs into four categories:
  • undergrad
  • adult undergrad
  • graduate
  • seminary studies
Adult undergraduate programs include those designed for adults heading back to school. They can earn general associate degrees in either arts or sciences and certificates in:
  • addiction studies
  • senior care leadership and administration
  • alcohol and drug counseling
Nine bachelor’s degree programs are available, too. They include majors in:
  • management information systems
  • business management
  • Christian ministries
  • special education
Bethel University also offers special programs that award students based on the experiences they had in and out of school. Traditional and online degree programs are available for undergrads. too. More than 70% of the university’s students participate in study abroad opportunities. Many of those students do missionary work. They can choose from majors that range from accounting to youth ministries. The youth ministries major is just one of the majors offered by the university for future church leaders. Prospective teachers can major in either special education or teaching English as a second language. Other popular majors offered by the university include:
  • economics
  • religious studies
  • chemistry
  • philosophy
  • digital film and video for actors
  • psychology
  • peace studies
  • communication arts and literature
Graduate students have a choice of 10 majors and two certificates. The university offers a certificate in classroom management strategies and a bachelor’s teaching certificate. This second program allows those who did not major in education in college to become licensed teachers. Other programs for graduate students include:
  • athletic training
  • athletic training leadership
  • physician assistant
  • teaching and strategic leadership
The university also offers doctoral programs in:
  • higher education leadership
  • K-12 administration
  • nursing practice
Doctoral students can also get licenses in fields such as:
  • autism spectrum disorders
  • developmental disabilities
  • special education
The can get their licenses to work as teachers and principals. Seven programs are available from the Bethel University Seminary on its campus in St. Paul. Students can earn certificates in theological studies or biblical studies.  They can complete degrees in:
  • Christian thought
  • theological studies
  • divinity
  • ministry
  • marriage and family therapy
The marriage and family therapy program includes fieldwork that allows students to work on their therapy skills. Bethel University also offers seven degree and two certificate programs online in fields that include:
  • emergency services management
  • theological studies
  • children and family ministry

About Bethel University

Bethel University is a private university established in 1971. A number of immigrants from Sweden settled in Chicago and came together to found a new seminary. It was originally affiliated with the First Swedish Baptist Church in Chicago. It merged with the small nearby Bethel Academy and moved to St. Paul, Minnesota. After moving from just seminary classes to a college curriculum, it became Bethel Junior College and then Bethel College and Seminary. It kept this name from the 1970s to 2004 when it officially became Bethel University. Bethel University has four colleges, including a College of Arts and Sciences and a College of Adults and Professional Studies. It also offers divinity and ministry programs through the attached seminary. Adding online programs helped the university reach an enrollment of more than 6,500 students.

Bethel University Accreditation Details

Bethel University has regional accreditation. It can evaluate and accept credits from students and help  students get financial aid. That accreditation comes from the Higher Learning Commission (HLC). The university also has specialized accreditation from the Commission on Accrediting of the Association of Theological Schools (CAATS). This is a type of accreditation usually held by religious colleges. Other programs with accreditation include:
  • nursing
  • midwifery
  • teaching
  • marriage and family

Bethel University Application Requirements

Though Bethel University offers opportunities for high school students, most students will use the first-year application. The application includes a prompt that asks students to write 150 words on why they picked Bethel and the connection they have with Jesus. They will also need to sign the Covenant for Life Together. This is a statement on the application that asks students to agree that they will follow the rules of the university and use the principles they learned when they graduate. Bethel asks for a standardized test score and transcript. Undergrads should have a GPA of at least 2.5 and a score of 920/21 on the SAT/ACT. The university begins accepting applications for the fall on the first of September. The university designed its graduate programs to meet the challenges that working adults face. It does not have a deadline for those applications. Bethel accepts new students throughout the year and lets them start during any of the main semesters. Students only need to submit the application and their transcripts. Bethel has the same requirements for any student applying to a seminary program. Those students must meet the requirements in place for traditional undergrads or graduate students. Adult learners need to meet some of the same requirements.

Tuition and Financial Aid

The Bethel University cost of attendance is more than $49,000. This figure only includes the direct costs that the university charges undergrads. They pay $38,300 a year in tuition and a student activity fee of $160 each semester. More than $11,000 comes from a student’s room and board charges, though students can live at home and not pay this fee. Part-time undergrads pay $1,600 per credit hour. The university does not charge these students an activity fee. Both graduate and doctoral students will pay $1,060 per credit hour. This is the same rate that Bethel charges for full-time students who take more than 18 credits. Bethel offers financial aid packages for undergrads that typically include:
  • student employment
  • loans
  • grants
  • scholarships
The university uses the FAFSA to see if the student has a high level of need. It will award need-based aid such as the Bethel Grant or the Bethel Opportunity Grant. Students can also get a Pell grant from the federal government or the Minnesota State Grant. Some of the university scholarships go to those with performance experience and athletic talent. However, there are also merit-based scholarships with funds that go to students with better grades and test scores than their peers. Students applying to Bethel University degree programs should submit the FAFSA and apply for aid at the same time.

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