Brigham Young University Idaho

A logo of Brigham Young University Idaho for our school profile


Degrees Available at Brigham Young University Idaho

Brigham Young University Idaho appears in our ranking of the 50 Most Affordable Online Degree Programs For In-State Students. Brigham Young University Idaho offers several degrees and certificate programs to students at its six different colleges. Major divisions in the university include:
  • the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
  • the College of Business and Communication
  • the College of Physical Sciences and Engineering
Other divisions include:
  • the College of Performing and Visual Arts
  • the College of Language and Letters
  • the College of Education and Human Development.
Within each college are several departments that focus on a particular area of study. Areas of focus available to students include:
  • economics
  • health services
  • mathematics
  • religious education
  • English
Some of the most popular programs at Brigham Young University Idaho include those in the area of liberal arts and humanities. Also popular are programs in business and human development. The university has a concurrent enrollment option for high school students who qualify under its admission policies. While in high school, students can take college classes in general education and for certificate programs. They may then apply those credits earned to associate degrees and bachelor’s degrees when they enter college. Students must be juniors or seniors in high school to qualify and be at least 16 years old. Students may choose to finish or begin a degree online through the BYU-Idaho Pathway Worldwide program. It offers access to degrees that are completely online. Students may choose to earn a certificate first and then transfer into a bachelor’s degree program. Or they can enter a full degree program at the start. Online degrees and certificates are available in the areas of:
  • business
  • technology
  • health
  • family studies
  • professional studies
Available certificates include those on topics like:
  • business administration
  • computer-aided design & drafting
  • agribusiness
  • human resource management
  • web backend
  • social media marketing
For students interested in earning an associate degree, topics include:
  • applied business management
  • applied technology
  • applied health
  • family history research
  • professional studies
For bachelor’s degrees, focuses include:
  • applied business management
  • applied technology
  • applied health
  • marriage & family studies
  • professional studies
Some of the general courses students may take while enrolled include:
  • Social Innovation
  • American Government
  • Public Speaking
  • Social Media Marketing Advocacy and Advertising
  • Family and Community Relationships

About Brigham Young University Idaho

Brigham Young University Idaho is a private university that has operated since 1888. The school was founded by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Once run as a junior college, the university  eventually became a four-year institution in 2001. In its earliest years, the university was known as Ricks Academy. It became Ricks College in 1923. The school’s official motto is “Rethinking Education.” The official colors are BYUI Blue, black, and white. The campus is in a rural area and covers 400 acres. Students who enroll at the school are required to adopt an honor code that follows the behavioral requirements of LDS church teaching. More than 20,000 students attend the university.

Brigham Young University Idaho Accreditation Details

The university was first accredited by the Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges in 1936. Valid institutional accreditation ensures students who attend can transfer to and from the university with their credits intact. There are also several agencies that further accredit and approve programs at the university. Accreditations include those from:
  • the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing
  • the American Physical Therapy Association
  • the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education
  • the National Association of Schools of Music
  • the National Association of Schools of Music
  • Council on Social Work education

Brigham Young University Idaho Application Requirements

Students who want to attend Brigham Young University Idaho may apply:
  • while still in high school
  • as high school graduates
  • as students with some college experience
  • as international students
Applicants are graded on three main areas when they apply:
  • church endorsements
  • achievements in academics
  • seminary experience
Students should have the full endorsement of their church leaders. They must be able to adhere to the university’s honor code. The university will grade academic achievement on the student’s grade point average and standardized test scores. It will also look at the LDS seminary experience of the applicant. The average unweighted GPA for entering students at Brigham Young University Idaho is 3.5 on a 4.0 scale. The average ACT score is 24. The average SAT score for incoming freshmen is 1090.

Tuition and Financial Aid

Tuition rates at Brigham Young University Idaho are divided into LDS church rates and non-LDS church rates. For members of the LDS church, tuition each semester is $2,104. Non-LDS students pay $4,208 each semester. Books and supplies are estimated to cost $200 each semester for all students. The university estimates that transportation costs will add another $630 per semester. Personal expenses are estimated to cost $1,106 each semester. For housing and food costs, the university charges single students $2,184 each semester. Married couples who require housing pay $3,654 per semester. The total estimated cost each semester for single students who are LDS members is $6,247. The estimated cost for married students is $7,717. For non-LDS students who are single, the total cost per semester is estimated at $8,351. Married students pay $9,821. To secure financial aid through the federal government, applicants will need to submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Successful applications may qualify students to receive:
  • Federal Pell Grants
  • Direct Student Loans
  • Direct PLUS Loans, which are offered to the parents of students who enroll at Brigham Young University Idaho
Eligibility for student loans requires the student to make Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) while they are enrolled. The university offers several merit-based and need-based scholarships and grants. Some of the institutional grants that students may earn include:
  • the BYU-Idaho Thomas E. Ricks Grant
  • the BYU-Idaho Internship Grant
  • the BYU-Idaho Talent Grant
Students need to apply for each grant or scholarship they want to receive while they attend Brigham Young University Idaho. They must pass the evaluation criteria to receive the assistance.

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