Louisiana State University

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Degree Programs at Louisiana State University

Louisiana State University appears in our ranking of the 30 Best Online Bachelor’s in Emergency Management Degrees. Louisiana State University offers more than 100 degree programs in its 11 colleges and schools. Some of these are pre-professional programs designed for students who want to transition into a professional program or school. The pre-law program provides students with the knowledge they need to succeed in law school. Similar programs prepare students for medical school or veterinary school. These programs often include opportunities for students to gain practical experience in hospitals and clinics across the state. The university offers majors for undergrads that range from accounting to woodwind instruments. Students applying to a performing arts program must audition for a spot. They will take classes that require work on university productions such as plays and musicals. A creative writing program helps students hone their writing skills as they create short and long pieces. They will also read the work that their peers do and critique that work. Louisiana State University offers some unique degree programs too, including those in wetland science and wildlife conservation. Graduates of these programs often work for the state, local or federal government. Graduate students can earn degrees such as a Master of Business Administration (MBA) or a Master of Education. The MBA program ranks on the national level and has full accreditation. An online MBA includes seven-week classes that students take in small groups or cohorts. They can earn their degrees in 18 months. The education program has a concentration in higher education administration. It’s for students who want to work in vocational schools and colleges. Louisiana State University is also home to a highly ranked Master of Social Work (MSW) program. It allows students to enroll in an online MSW program or to earn their degrees on the Baton Rouge campus. Other online degrees at LSU include:
  • BGS in Disaster Science & Emergency Management
  • RN to BSN
  • Bachelor of Science in Psychology
  • Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice, and more

About Louisiana State University

Louisiana State University (LSU) is the short for Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College. It was the first college established in the state. It was founded in 1860.  The school opened and closed several times during the Civil War and moved to Baton Rogue after its first campus was severely damaged in a fire. It became one of the first southern colleges to accept females to a graduate program in 1905. The university still offers agricultural and mechanical programs today. It also offers degrees in fields ranging from business to engineering. U.S. News and World Report  ranks LSU as a top American college. It also ranked its MBA and public administration programs as among the nation’s top programs. Graduates of the university’s accounting program have some of the best scores on the national licensing exams. Its business, library science, and education programs all rank on the state and national levels. ARWU ranked LSU as high as number 78 on a list of the best colleges in the United States. Louisiana State University’s enrollment is more than 25,000 undergrads and 5,000 post-graduates.

Louisiana State University Accreditation Details

LSU is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS). It can accept transfer students and any credits they have. This is also what allows the university to provide students with financial aid packages that include government funds. Other accreditors include:
  • The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB)
  • Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME)
  • National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE)

Louisiana State University Application Requirements

LSU recommends that undergrads take four years of high school:
  • math
  • life science
  • social science
  • English
They should also take at least one year of a fine art course and two years of foreign language classes. Students accepted by the university typically rank within the top 80% of their high school classes.They  have a score of at least 23 on the ACT or 1,100 on the SAT. Though the application opens at the beginning of August, students have until the final deadline of April 15 to apply without paying any fees. Those who submit their applications after this deadline must pay a $15 late fee. The university also has a December 15 priority deadline. It must receive an application, transcript and test score from each student. Graduate students applying to LSU must meet other requirements too. This often includes a GPA of 3.0 or higher and a background in the field the student wants to study. LSU will accept those who do not have a strong background but will require that those students take some prerequisites. The deadlines that students must meet will vary between programs and semesters. Most programs ask for letters of recommendation and a test score such as one from the GRE. They may need to submit writing samples or a personal statement along with the application, as well.

Tuition and Financial Aid

Both undergrads and graduate students attending LSU pay either resident or nonresident rates. The rate for resident undergrads is $11,950 per year. Nonresident undergrads pay $28,627 per year. Undergrads also pay $11,400 a year for room and board. Students who take classes during the summer session need to pay for room and board. They also pay a per credit hour tuition rate. Graduate students who are from Louisiana pay $12,528 per year. Nonresident grad students pay $29,433 each year. LSU also charges extra for those who need to buy a computer from the university and for graduate students who want to live on campus. Financial aid packages are available for any student who qualifies. The government offers the FAFSA and releases the new version of this form at the beginning of October. Students can use a pin code each year to log into their accounts and fill out the form. They make any changes needed based on how they or their parents’ income levels changed. Those who show more financial need on the form get more aid. The form can help any student join the LSU work-study program and get loans and grants. Louisiana State University also offers scholarships for incoming students.

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