The New School

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The New School Undergrad Programs

This school appears in our ranking of the 10 Best University Jazz Programs The New School offers more than 130 degree and diploma programs. It has a strong reputation as a liberal arts school and offers several music programs. One is a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in Jazz and Contemporary Music. This program requires students to take a variety of performance courses and perform both on their own and in groups/ensembles. Many of the professors working in the jazz and contemporary arts program have experience performing in front of audiences in New York City theaters. Students will take liberal arts courses and classes in:
  • composition
  • music theory
  • related topics.
Though the school has a classical music program, this program awards students a Bachelor of Music rather than a BFM degree. Students can also earn a Bachelor of Science or enroll in a diploma version of the program. The program is for students who want to work as professional singers and those who play certain instruments like the guitar and harpsichord. A contemporary music degree program is also available. Another option for students who love music is the school’s Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in Musical Theater program. This is an integrated program between the school and the American Musical and Dramatic Academy (AMDA). Both schools expect students to gain some performance experience before they graduate. They will take acting and musical theater classes through the AMDA and complete their liberal arts classes through The New School. Students have the option of taking those classes online. This allows students to live on or close to the AMDA campus and finish all the credits they need to graduate without visiting The New School campus. About The New School The New School is a school of higher learning in New York that traces its roots back to 1919. It was founded as The New School for Social Research. It offered a number of research programs and social science programs. Students could study psychology, anthropology and related subjects. It kept this name until 1997, when it became the New School University. It later adopted the name of The New School to show that it offered programs in many different fields. The College of Performing Arts opened is one of its newest colleges. It opened in 2015 and is home to the Mannes School of Music, which offers: jazz programs classical programs contemporary music programs One of the more unique features of this school is that it does not have a general education core like most colleges. Students have the option of taking classes that appeal to them and that apply to their future goals. Many people know the school because of some of the unique courses it offers. These classes allow students to study subjects such as the history of punk music over the years or the impact that popular books have on the world at large. The New School also offers some five-year programs that allow students to earn both an undergrad and graduate degree in five years instead of six years.

The New School Accreditation Details

The New School is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education. Middle States accreditation is also important because it allows students to use financial aid from the government to cover their tuition and other costs. The school also has accreditation from the APA for its psychology program and from the National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD) for both its design and art programs.

The New School Application Requirements

The New School accepts more than 60% of the applications submitted each year. However, certain programs have stricter application requirements and accept a smaller number of students. All students can use the app that the school offers or use the Common Application. Students can create an account and add information such as where they went to school or the scores they received on standardized tests. The Common Application will automatically enter that information on each application they choose. The College of Performing Arts at the school is responsible for its performing arts programs. This college has a priority application deadline of January 15 for those who want to start in the fall. Students must submit at least one recording of their live work, which the school uses to screen students. It may ask that students submit a second recording later. The school requires that students attend a live audition session on campus during the end of February or the beginning of March. Students must also provide the school with an official high school transcript and one letter of recommendation from someone familiar with their musical skills and talents.

Tuition and Financial Aid

The BFA and BS programs available through The New School have a flat tuition rate of $23,480 per year. This rate allows students to enroll on a full-time basis each semester and take two semesters of classes per year. It also covers the cost of the private lessons that many music majors take. Those who take fewer classes and those who enroll in a summer session will pay a rate based on the number of credits they take. The school charges $1,640 per credit hour. Students can purchase health insurance from the school. The New School also offers on-campus housing for $19,000 to $25,000 a year. Those applying to The New School should complete the FAFSA at the same time that they submit their applications. The FAFSA uses the tax records of each student to determine how much their families can contribute to their costs. This shows the school the amount of help that students need. It allows the school to build financial aid packages for each student. Students can take out loans that they need to pay back later. They can also use grants from both the federal and state government. Many students attending The New School also qualify for one of its scholarships.

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